Friday, October 10, 2008

w00tw00t!!! My W. Dream!!! :D

Oh, happy days, happy days!!! :D I finally called my friend! I also got to email my friend! Oh, life is GOOD! AND EVEEL! IT TORTURES YOU UNTIL IT FINALLY LETS IN A RAY OF SUNLIGHT AND HOPE THAT MAKES US ALL SO HAPPY YOU WANT TO PEE!!!

Smart life.

(pokez da world with a stick) All good things have an evil side, and all evil things have a good side. :)

Anyways, pretty normal day. Had a creepy wannbe dream (a dream that i want to have but will NEVER have)

OK, here it is!!

I was sleeping in my bed. (yep i drempt about waking up) I woke up to be scared like, OMG. With me, were my friends-

Lucia-had a mohalk
Buhl-had green hair
Sammy-had an Hermino mask on
Hermino-had a Sammy mask on
Shantel-was wearing a disco suit
Jan-was in a blonde wig
Richard-was wearing a maid outfit

OK, so I wake up and find my friends all tipped over the head. 0.0 I was all like, "OMG WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING-?!"

And then Buhl was all like, "Let's go to Elmo's world!" And then Sammy (full with tha creepy Hermino mask on) grabbed Kristian on the bed and hugged him, and as sooon as she did that,

Buhl exploded. 0.0

OK, and then I blinked in my dream, right. And then suddenly, instead of my bedroom, we're in a desert, and then suddenly Richard (in his maid suit) and Shantel (in her disco suit) started disco dancing.

And then, out of no where, Sammy EATS Jan! 0.0 (jan is a guy, people, just wanted to clear that up...)

So, Jan is in Sammy's stomach, right? Two minutes later, out comes BABY JAN! :D

And for some reason, he's made of chocolate, and Sammy eats him (AGAIN) and then, suddenly, they both blow up. 0.0

OK, then I blinked, and suddenly me and the remaining survivors, Lucia, Hermino, Shantel and Richard were in a wax house.

Out of no where we hear an Elvis song, and Shantel suddenly bursts into her disco dance. And we're all like, "Shantel, stop!"

And she kept on dancing, and we finally got fed up and were all like, "FORGET YOU!!!! GOSH!!!" And pretended to walk away.

We turned away for like a second and then for some reason, she was made of wax, and then Hermino (in his Sammy mask) went up to her, and lit her on fire. 0.0???

Then I blinked, and then suddenly we were in a gigantic skating rink desert, where it was just a humungus ice rink and nothing more.

We kept on walking until we reached a black and white mansion, and we walked in even though it was locked. (hermino set the door on fire! :D)

OK, so as soon as we entered the fire suddenly dissappeared, and when we look around, we find out it's just a huge room with just a HUMUNGASAUR tv on it, and suddenly Richard (in his maid costume) started dusting everywhere, and out of no where, the TV opened out in loud sound and Richar screamed so loud he fainted.

And for some reason, we were all like, "Whatever." And walked away, but not before Lucia cut off her mohalk and it suddenly turned into a flower. She put it on his head. I wonder why she did this to Richard who only fainted when almost everyone else died.

OK, so I blinked again.And then suddenly, we were in this huge skyscraper, and Hermino was gone. But, ahem, the whole place was on fire. T_T

I blinked again. This time me and Lucia were in a coffee shop, with her normal hair, sipping a frappuchino.

And then I was all like, "What happened?" She shrugged and then was all like, "Dunno." And then out of no where, her eyebrows start growing super fast until they start hanging off her head in long tails.

I stared at them for a long time, and then she, like, ripped off her eyebrows. 0.0

And then, this time, SHE blinked. And then we were in my bedroom again, back in time where Sammy was about to blow up Buhl.

Suddenly, Lucia got Sammy and she was all like, "Hey girl. Whatsup?"

And then Sammy takes off her Hermino mask and then they start talking as if Sammy was not about to blow up Buhl and mericlessly blow up herself and Jan later on.

And then she blinks again and then suddenly my whole room is the huge black and white mansion with the huge TV on it, and suddenly everyone was dancing with all these flashing lights and stuff.

On the top of the TV Richard and Shantel were dancing, Hermino was playing kareoke with Buhl and Jan.

And me and Lucia were all dancing, and then whenever we blinked, we turned into wax for like a second. It was like dancing and then freezing and then dancing and then freezing. 0.0

My W. dreams are weird.

(starts to do the wax dance)



jaecy bells said...




Oh my lanta.

(yes, that's all I have to say.)

Oh wait--




Dibsy said...

LOL. I ate nothing!!! D: But I love dreams like this so much I'll try doing it again! XD

c said...


Dibsy said...

I know, so totally awesome right? :D

Lateah said...

Tag your it!!!- I wanna see if people are answer my stupid, random questions!!!!! If you do- then kudos!!!!!!!!!!!!

What’s your favorite farm animal?

Have you ever eaten this animal?

Are you a vegetarian?

Are you secretly obsessed with your penmanship?


Which hand do you use to brush your teeth with?

Have you ever tried to brush your teeth with the other hand?

Do you read for fun?

What’s your favorite book?

Have you read it more than once?

More than twice?

More than three times?

What’s your favorite food?

How many times would you say you’ve eaten it in your lifetime?

What about it makes you wish you had some of it right now?

Yes or no, have you ever done something illegal?

Do you keep a list of all the things you wish to accomplish during life?

Are any of those things illegal?

Am I annoying?

Do you think this whole thing is stupid?

How do you feel about life in general?

Is life really a bowl of cherries?

What’s with that saying anyway?

Answer as scientific as possible- Why is the grass green?

Why is the sky blue?

Have you ever seen a rainbow?

How many times?

What is your favorite kind of weather?

Is it happening right now?

Other than answering these questions, what are you doing right now?

What time is it?

Have you eaten lunch yet?

What are some things you would like to do right now, but know you can’t

Manga Dork said...

So funny and yet awesome. Its like a horror film!LOL

jaecy bells said...

dibby or manga dork, I think one of you guys posted something about fun stuff to do in an elevator...where is it??? I WANT IT.

Dibsy said...

Candy: All I have to aks is...why? :P

MD: So scary too. (shivers)
Jckandy: The Utmost! It's always in the Utmost! XD