Hi Dibsy. I'm sorry to hear about your struggle with this blog. I don't really have any immediate suggestions off the top of my head. Since you already have blogs for anime, your personal life, and stories you wrote; are there any other interests you have that you might want to write about (fashion, music, non-anime television or movies, etc.)? I hope this helps. I'll let you know if I think of anything else.
Ah, thanks, Tara... Um, I DO like music, but when I made this blog i was thinking off writing just random stuff, but then **-DibsyLand-** came along where I put random stuff... Hmm, maybe? But music isn't the kind of thing that makes me write a blog. :( I'm really sorry, Tara, but I think i'm going to need a few more suggestions on this one.
I'm sorry my ideas didn't help you. I don't really have any more ideas at the moment. All I can tell you right now is to write about something you care about (maybe not necessarily music though). I see on your profile that you're also interested in reading. Maybe you can write about books or manga? I hope this helps a little more. I'm sure you'll come up with something anyway. I'll let you know if I have any more suggestions later. Good luck!
Thanks, I think I have a bigger mind for this now, but i'm really sorry to say this but, i'll just try keeping it as it was-random, nice, and relaxing. ^^ Thanks for all the help, though!!
Hi Dibsy. I thank you for your comment, and I'm here to return the favor. My suggestion is, what are you interested in. Write about it. Anything interesting happen, write about it. What is your stance on current events write about it. From what I can see this blog is about you Dibsy. This blog would make a good place to post your oppinions. This is a fare bit like what Tara has suggested, I am aware. I in fact encourage what Tara has said. I just want to try and help, so, I want to hear what you want to say. When there's big news, let's see what Dibsy thinks. People will agree and disagree with what you say, but say it!
SOme ideas 4 qoutes r hmm... Love, sports, life, and stuff like that. Ur also welcome. Did the second one make more sense? I bet it did. IDK. Well ttyl.
Well, I'm a very random person but I can be very serious if I want to. Which I don't. I'm the kind of person to ponder what the difference between pencils and pens with erasers...Now you see the kind of person I am on the inside.
Hi Dibsy. I'm sorry to hear about your struggle with this blog. I don't really have any immediate suggestions off the top of my head. Since you already have blogs for anime, your personal life, and stories you wrote; are there any other interests you have that you might want to write about (fashion, music, non-anime television or movies, etc.)? I hope this helps. I'll let you know if I think of anything else.
Ah, thanks, Tara... Um, I DO like music, but when I made this blog i was thinking off writing just random stuff, but then **-DibsyLand-** came along where I put random stuff... Hmm, maybe? But music isn't the kind of thing that makes me write a blog. :( I'm really sorry, Tara, but I think i'm going to need a few more suggestions on this one.
I'm sorry my ideas didn't help you. I don't really have any more ideas at the moment. All I can tell you right now is to write about something you care about (maybe not necessarily music though). I see on your profile that you're also interested in reading. Maybe you can write about books or manga? I hope this helps a little more. I'm sure you'll come up with something anyway. I'll let you know if I have any more suggestions later. Good luck!
Thanks, I think I have a bigger mind for this now, but i'm really sorry to say this but, i'll just try keeping it as it was-random, nice, and relaxing. ^^ Thanks for all the help, though!!
Hi Dibsy. I thank you for your comment, and I'm here to return the favor. My suggestion is, what are you interested in. Write about it. Anything interesting happen, write about it. What is your stance on current events write about it. From what I can see this blog is about you Dibsy. This blog would make a good place to post your oppinions. This is a fare bit like what Tara has suggested, I am aware. I in fact encourage what Tara has said. I just want to try and help, so, I want to hear what you want to say. When there's big news, let's see what Dibsy thinks. People will agree and disagree with what you say, but say it!
SOme ideas 4 qoutes r hmm... Love, sports, life, and stuff like that. Ur also welcome. Did the second one make more sense? I bet it did. IDK. Well ttyl.
OH,HI!!! Thanks a bunchies, I'll use those ideas!!!
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