I hit a thousand profile views!!! (cheers)
Dibsy Got A Thousand Plus Views!!! Hurrah!!!
And you know what made me even happier??? I called someone!! I actully called someone, and I don't even have a cell phone!!! o.O
Anyways, I tried doing a bunch of stuff, but then I got lazy and deleted all of it. And then when I was doing something else, boom, mommy wants the computer, goodbye, post. T_T
Anyways, BYE!!!
(psst. turn your head to the left sideways and you'll see a face. T_T Ahaha, dumb.)
Congrats *hugs* That is so neato.
The mom wants the computer sounds just like my mom we are more buddys than mom and daughter though so we like have races to the computer and we argue about whos turn it is!(its really fun!)LOL
BTw,you can call me manga d
Thanks. I'm half buddy, half daughter to my mom. I've seen your pictures, you guys look really close! ^^
lol i saw the face!!! @.@ anywhoo.. my lil bro is 8 and im 13. hes meeeaan! O.o
Oh, I feel for you-we should really make an alliance against evil bros. ^^"
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